Integrating The Green Leaf Foundation Objectives and the Kenyan Government Agenda in the Implementation Strategy
1.3.0 Constitution of Kenya
Chapter five of the Kenyan constitution 2010 obligate that, every person has the right to a clean and healthy environment, which includes the right;
- To have the environment protected for the benefit of present and future generations through legislative and other measures, particularly those contemplated in Article 69; and
- To have obligations relating to the environment fulfilled under Article 70.
1.3.1 Kenya Vision 2030
Vision 2030 is Kenya’s blueprint for economic development. The Green Leaf Foundation will implement relevant activities and programmes under MTP II of Vision 2030 through:
i) Generation of knowledge and technologies for development, conservation, management and sustainable utilisation forests ii) Strengthening research and management capacity iii) Improving tree seed and seedling production, distribution and marketing iv) Disseminating forestry research findings v) Strengthening linkages and partnership with stakeholders
1.3.2 Forest Policy
The overall goal of the Forest Policy, 2016 is sustainable development, management, utilization and conservation of forest resources and equitable sharing of accrued benefits for the present and future generations of the people of Kenya. The policy recognizes that key decisions on forest management and conservation shall be informed by forestry science founded on appropriate knowledge derived from research and best practices. The Green Leaf Foundation will continue to contribute to achievement of objectives of the Policy through generation and transfer of appropriate technologies for Environmental Conservation.
1.3.3 National Forest Programme
National forest programmes have been globally advocated as tools for forestry development. The Kenya Government has initiated a process of developing a National Forest Programme (NFP) to review the Kenya Forest Master Plan (1995-2020) and develop a ten-year plan in the framework of international agreements. The NFP is a long term phased process, structured in themes, and aimed at ensuring sustainable management of Forest and Environment. In this Strategic Plan, The Green Leaf Foundation has designed its programmes to multi-sectoral, multidisciplinary and thematic research approach and aligned its research activities to NFP themes and activities.
1.3.4 National Climate Change Response Strategy, 2010
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recognized climate change as one of the most serious threats to sustainable development globally. This recognition resulted in a series of Conference of Parties (COPs) to address international environmental and developmental challenges. It is in this respect that the government of Kenya developed the National Climate Change Response Strategy (NCCRS) 2010, which recognizes that climate change and variability are likely to increase pressure on Humanity, Environment and Natural Resource.
Towards addressing climate injustice, The Green Leaf Foundation will play a critical role in: (i) Promoting Environmental Conservation and Awareness Creation (ii) Promotion of Environmental Governance and Climate change Mitigation& Adaptation through Policy Advocacy (iii) Promoting Sustainable Agriculture and community based alternative livelihood options (iv) Promoting alternative energy sources, energy conservation initiatives, and efficient energy production and utilisation technologies (v) Promoting awareness creation on Human Rights amid climate change injustice and enhance democracy among other functions.